New Prod Car Classifications - Turbo Delete LP?

Matt Brannon

Well-known member
New Production Class spec line definitions have been tailing off in the last decade. Some of our most recent "modern" cars that have been classed are more than 10 years old.

Many new models of small bore cars that would appear to be attractive packages in Production class racing are offered in turbocharged form, and as a result are summarily dismissed from Production class consideration. Some engines currently included in this collection of vehicles include 1.2 and 2.0 Chevy Ecotec, 2.0 Ford Ecoboost, Mazda 1.4 and 2.5, VW 2.0, Fiat 1.4.

Does anyone have opinions about "Turbo Delete Limited Prep", that would allow such cars to be considered for E, F, or H-production competition if the turbo system is removed? The resulting normally aspirated motor would be allowed the basic Limited Prep improvements of 11:1 compression, .450 camshaft of unlimited duration, and open ECU / fuel injection control, while retaining all commonly accepted Limited Prep restrictions such as stock intake and cylinder head (no modifications), wet sump, etc.

While many models have Base and Turbo versions, others are Turbo only. In either case, Turbo variants are often equipped with uprated OEM brakes, suspension and trans gearing that rival aftermarket solutions that are allowed in the GCR. This may help reduce initial investment for a competitive new build. Alternate Trans, Dog Box, and Big Brake packages would still be allowed with the 2.5% penalties.

At the end of the day it is assumed that balance of performance in all production classes is really baselined with an assumed (or known) power to weight ratio target.
Not sure 11:1 is the right starting point. There are still several spec lines at 10.5:1. Might be better to start there and then have drivers (NOTE: I said "drivers") request increased compression/allowances for BOP.
Modern cars have lots of compression . Best to at least leave the stock compression and derate with cams lift or FPR. IMHO
Makes it possible to race with a bone stock engine. KISS
Don't forget FWD vs. RWD, stock chassis/suspension dynamics, etc. There's a lot of things to consider here. I think there's merit to the idea, but it has to be implemented very cautiously and conservatively, and not totally disrupt the current BOP thus pushing away even more of the current prod racers than have already been run off.
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I'd argue we have had a tough time adapting late 90s/early 2000s spec lines without scaring off competitors... That said, its pretty dismal to think that any new cars post about 2005 are unlikely to fit the current mold. I am in favor, provided the data collection and response can be more accelerated than it is. That would favor both the current competition campaigning a 50 year old spec line as well as anyone brave enough to take on a more late model spec line.