Hey Al-
I'm sure! DS for Door Slammer isn't bad!
Frm my viewpoint, everyone should be able to run whatever they want- I just dont think that we need so many classes to do it.
If we have a fixed number of folks doing National races, and we keep dividing that pool into more and more classes, than you get what we have now- Fewer people in each class at each race.
When I started racing in T1 11 years ago, up until STO started, we had good fields. Now I dont race against anyone any more. There are five or less people at most T1 races, and everyone seems to be running at different paces. It's more like Solo I than racing.
I also think we need the divisions to be limited to how many nationals they can hold, so that attendance at the nationals goes up. Every region cant hold a national every year.
If we found a way to put all of the closed-wheel cars into six or seven classes, where everyone had to make relatively minor changes to their cars, rather than whole classes being killed-off (or not allowed to run in the Invitational Class in "The Majors" (really lame name, btw)), than everyone can still race the car, and maybe actually have some people to race against.
I know as far as you Prod folks go, EP and FP are healthy, but what about GP and HP? Im not saying that my recomended groupings are the answer, just a thought to see what everyone else thinks is the right way to increase field size without killing entire classes.