I recently became aware of a proposed change in requirements for License renewal with a waiver. My understanding is that this change was proposed by SCCA staff and is being considered by the BOD. If a driver fails to complete the required one race during the year he must receive a participation waiver from his DLA (Driver Licensing Administrator). The proposed change would require all drivers to also complete the SCCA online drivers school. This is a 90 minute on line training designed to inform new drivers of the SCCA culture and procedures. As proposed, this would include anyone asking and receiving a waiver. In essence a racer with 30 years of experience would still be required to take this training regardless of his previous experience if he failed to finish a race in particular year. As the Area 9 DLA and a long time racer, I am reaching out to my area BOD member and Comp Board member suggesting that this proposal be revised to allow the DLAs the ability to waive the on line requirement in cases where the driver has sufficient SCCA experience to make this training unnecessary. I would strongly suggest members of this forum contact their BOD members and make your opinions known on this proposed change.