2024 Mike Cummings H-Production Invitational

Jason Stine

Staff member
The 2024 Mike Cummings H-Production Invitational will be held at Mid Ohio on August 10-11 during the OVR regional race weekend.

Once again, the event will feature an extended Sunday feature of 20 laps (or X min if there's BFA/FCY). We will also get a Sunday victory lap, a group photo on the track, Sat night BBQ, dedicated paddock spot, etc.

*** New in 2024 *** We are working to get live streaming and broadcasting of our races. To make this happen, we need sponsors and/or other classes to pitch in and help with the cost. Anyone out there have a business that would want to sponsor this???

There will likely be a test day on Friday again, and we will be giving away a free entry to someone who registers before the early entry deadline (details TBD).

Hoping to get 40+ H Production cars to the event, and if anyone wants to help with the planning, coordination, or execution of the weekend, please let me know! Thanks to the Savage clan for stepping up to help with the BBQ again!
Hi Jason -

We're interested depending on the schedule. Is that out yet?

Might also be interested in putting in some sponsorship $$.

Al Seim
HP VW Scirocco 1.6 HP
Awesome! Thanks Al. We will, for sure, have our own run group for HP. To allow people with long tows to get going earlier, we've been the first group after lunch the previous years and I would expect the same again for 2024. Now that the HST at Mid O is complete, OVR can start planning the August race.

Prelim schedule (all times and laps are approximate, but close to actual):

(Optional) Friday Evening Test + Tune - $250(ish) will get you 3 x 20 min sessions for closed wheel small bore group
Sat AM - 20 min qualifying
Sat PM - 14 lap race on club course
Sun AM - 12 min qualifying in lieu of qual race
Sun PM - 20 lap feature race on pro course

My guess is on-track time will be between 12:30-1:15, and awards ceremony (in our paddock block) will be ~1:45-2:30ish.
Confirmed... we are Group 3 again this year. Approximate on track times are below:

Sat AM - 8:50 - 15 min qualifying
Sat PM - 1:10 - 12 lap race
Sun AM - 8:50 - 10 min qualifying (no qual race)
Sun PM - 1:10 - 20 lap feature race

The S2000 group is running this event as well this year, so that's shortening track time slightly, but not too much. There's a chance that smaller groups get combined and they go back down to 8 groups, which would bump up Sat track time.
Now that we're about 2 months away from the 2024 Mike Cummings H Production Invitational, here's a few updates around the event.

First - please sign up with the Intent to Register on MSR below, if you plan on entering the race. Spectators and volunteers are always welcome, but please only fill it out if it's 50/50 or greater chance of entering. This helps GREATLY with the planning as we run on a very small, very tight budget and can't afford waste. NOTE: you will still need to register for the actual event when it goes live on MSR sometime next month. Hoping for 40 entries this year, and I know we can get there!! Non-HPNPC members and even non-HP racers are welcome to join the fun! (see last bullet for rental car opportunities).


Second - HUGE thank you to Midwest Motorsports for offering to coordinate the Saturday evening BBQ party this year! Look for a signup genius invite from Eric and Kim sometime next month after the MSR registration goes live.

Third - We are giving away a free entry again this year! Must fill out the intent to register AND register before the early registration deadline of 7/21. If we get to 40 entries, we will give away 2 entries!

Fourth - We will present the John Salisbury Spirit of the Class award to Mike Miller during the weekend. Hopefully John Salisbury Jr. is there to present the inaugural recognition himself, and then each subsequent year, the previous year's winner will give the trophy to the next winner. We will have a perpetual trophy base with name plaques made to continue this award through the years to come, and each winner will receive a duplicate of the name plaque to keep for themselves.

Fifth- There will be detailed driver's letters sent before, and driver's meetings each day at the event. These are mandatory, as there are some special things about our run group that need to be communicated. If you can not attend, please send a rep from your crew to communicate back any critical messages. We will be giving away tires, gas, a RaceKeeper camera, and more prizes at the driver's meetings... so please be sure to attend.

Almost last - I'm working very hard to get live streaming for the event, with Brian Bielanski (Inside the SCCA and the voice of the Hoosier Super Tour) to call the race. If we get this off the ground, please be ready to submit 3-4 bullet points about your car history, driving career, and how/why you got into SCCA. This is going to be a grassroots racing feature, and I hope to use it to promote getting new people into SCCA club racing. Grass Paddock Motorsports is going to give away a free rental of one of its cars for the 2025 HP Invitational for those that are watching the live broadcast and chat in saying what they love about the HP class or grassroots racing in general. If they don't have a license, we can work on getting them to a spring school so they can attend the HPI in the summer.

Last - Frank Schwartz will be joining us again this year and has a large fleet of Mini's that can be rented for the event. So, if you are coming from afar and wish to rent vs. bring your car, or if you know a non-HP racer who would want to come and race in one of Frank's cars, please have them reach out at: [email protected]
For those planning on attending the HP Invitational at Mid O in August, please fill out this intent to register form on MSR. We will be giving away a free entry to the event for someone who files this intent AND registers early for the actual event prior to 7/21.

BONUS: We are giving away a free twilight test for the Friday before the event, 8/9. 3 x 20 min sessions starting at 5 PM, valued at $250. Only those that have completed the intent to register are eligible and the drawing will be held on 6/30 at 7 PM EST.

If the winner ends up withdrawing from the actual event, a new winner will be chosen as this test day is valid only on 8/9.

Update: We have 28 cars currently registered and are expecting another 5-10 before registration closes next Friday.

It's looking like another great event!
