Ballots are out for directors postions

Joe Harlan

Well-known member

Area 13 vote for John Taylor, Fiscally responsible RE for NWR SCCA. Is a solid small bore racer.

PLEASE vote. Encourage others to vote.

and ...

LET the Board know when you are pleased (and when you are not) and why. SCCA is supposed to be a service organization. How good are we (SCCA) at serving the membership and the individual SCCA Regions?

Is the Board making the right decisions to protect your interests?

Is Topeka performing the right functions?

Is the Board making the right decisions to protect the interest of the Regions? [Regions are our franchises, and Regions put on our product.] Are we doing enough to help Regions?

Is Topeka doing the right things to help Regions?

Thanks, Peter
Area 6 Director