
Greg Amy

Staff member
Did you get your survey about wheels/tires in Prod?

I like sending out a survey to current/prior competitors versus a "WDTY?" While a WDTY is helpful, a survey with a link will get a lot more response.

Though I do wish I had more background on the proposals? And, of course, once I completed the survey I was not able to copy/paste the supporting questions, so I cna't telly ou exactly what it was all about... - GA

Is the current method of specifying a max wheel diameter and width on each spec line, and the specs that exist there today, sufficient as is?

◯ Yes, the current method and specs are sufficient as-is and no changes are needed.

◯ No, I think a more standardized method could better suit our Category.
I'd say check your email for the survey. It was partially-described in there but I didn't write it down, and when I went bck it was no longer accessible.

When you take the survey, cope/paste the other two choices here.
I took the survey. I believe that we need to keep the LBC cars at 1500# on 6 in rims. Increasing their corner speed even higher than it is now will make for lower lap times for them, and increase the delta to the 2100# cars mid turn. The opposite of what we really need .
Somehow, adding any 9 wide rim with 200TW tires was not on the survey.
Is anyone in HP looking for a change? Is Goodyear or Hoosier looking to delete any of our tires? Radial or Cantaliever? Any one with insight here that's willing to share?
Sharing my original letter:

Background: EP cars largely fall into (2) main categories of wheel sizes; early model cars that had less than 15” factory wheels that are spec lined at a 15”x7” wheel size, and late model cars with factory offerings greater than 15” that are spec lined at an 18”x8” wheel size. The origin of theses wheel sizes is rooted in both the factory offering, but also readily available commercial racing tire sizes. Due to limited availability of 16”,17” and 18” non-DOT racing tires, many of the cars in the later category choose to run a smaller diameter wheel but the maximum allowable wheel width (8”) provided they have adequate brake clearance. Speaking in terms of radial tires, the optimum tire width for the power/weight ratio in EP is both Hoosier and Goodyear 245 tire size. Many of the current competitors compete on this size, and or an equivalent bias offering. However, the 245 tire, mounted on a 7” wheel, has a less than ideal profile due to the large tire width being mounted to the smaller wheel width. This effects the tire profile and grants an undo advantage to the cars allowed to run the 8” width.

Proposal: Request PAC to seek member input on adjusting all EP spec lines with 15”x7” wheel offerings to 15”x8”.


  • Attempt to neutralize unintended performance advantage of 18x8 spec lines running smaller diameter wheels, but maximizing wheel width, and thus perfect tire profile geometry.
  • Align to the current commercially available tire offerings and the appropriate tire profile for those offerings.
  • Competitors not wishing to upgrade still benefit from the same tire size and a potentially lighter wheel offering if choosing to utilize the 15x7. Ultimately, the decision lies with competitor on best combination for their spec line.
  • Cost perspective: reverse compatible for same reason above, competitors not forced to purchase new wheels to comply to updated rule.
  • Does not impact brake rules for spec lines in either example category.

The original request was specifically geared toward EP, however there has been some momentum to do some wheel clean up for quite some time. I can see how maybe HP or even FP is wondering where this is coming from, but EP has been down a path of fitting tires not made for the given wheel size for quite some time, and with the introduction of newer spec lines, the loop hole has been to take advantage of the inherent width that comes with a given diameter (18x8 for example) but utilize a more traditional diameter (15"). The 245 Radial for instance is a perfect fit on this configuration, but the same tire fitted to a 7" greatly compromises the contact patch and wall profile. Similarly, the folks running the bias stuff are always looking to cantilever the biggest damn slick they can on a tiny, narrow rim.
Somehow, adding any 9 wide rim with 200TW tires was not on the survey.
IMO, anything less than a real slick has no place in the production category. There are plenty of categories that should prioritize a true DOT radial before Production... Any flavor of the touring groups including IT and ST make way more sense before production or GT. Let's build 12:1-14:1 compression motors than put road tires on. (n)