Search results

  1. Jay Lutz

    Spline question for Ron Sorenson

    Ron, I can't locate my Machinery's Handbook........can you see if you can find anything on a straight steering shaft spline as follows: 31 teeth for the whole circumberence, OD is .532" ......could be metric but this is 13.5mm. Shaft could have been designed in Japan in about 1979. You da...
  2. Jay Lutz

    October 7,8,9 Mid Ohio regional

    Does anyone have a link to the entry information? Thanks, Jay
  3. Jay Lutz

    Action Cam HD video camera

    Does anyone have any experience with this....$120!! How about syncing to a data system. I have a Mychron 3 XG log. ... uct_id=121
  4. Jay Lutz

    Making Sense of squiggly lines DAQ interpretation book

    I conned my local library here in Indy into buying a copy (wanted to see it before I buy my own). It just came in so once I get through it I'll report on the quality. The standard may still be Buddy Fey's "Data Power". It's out of print and copies trade for silly $$. Thanks, Jay
  5. Jay Lutz

    Need Chemist advice!

    I tried to call Dayle Frame but, God forbid, he seems to actually be working today. Tough life. Anyway, I have a small piece of cast aluminum (12"x6"x1", not sure of alloy but likely not A356.....super soft and almost feels like 1100) that has heavy baked on gummy oil residue....years and...
  6. Jay Lutz

    Golf cart buying advice

    Looking at a used gas 4 cycle Club Car golf cart.....does anyone have any inspection/purchasing advice. Haven't really inspected it yet but looks decent from 10 feet. Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Thanks, Jay
  7. Jay Lutz

    Contour GPS camera

    Does anyone know if this camera is compatible with AIM data systems...or is it a standalone with no integration (ie data overlays) capabilities?
  8. Jay Lutz

    Roll Cage Fabricator in Indy area

    Looking for a roll cage fabricator in the Indianapolis area. Just a simple bar for a street car. Thanks, Jay PM or email at [email protected]
  9. Jay Lutz

    Bolt in roll bar for 67 Datsun 1600 roadster w top

    Neighbor down the street is looking for one.....looking for sources. Is Autopower still in business? Others? Does anyone sell a powder coated rollbar? Thanks, Jay
  10. Jay Lutz

    Upgrade your radio foamy ear plugs to custom molded ear plug

    I tried to make the foamy type earplugs work but I could never get them to keep out the noise. When I finally upgraded to custom fit earplugs the improvement was amazing. I ran across this ad and it seems to me to be a great DIY way to upgrade....note that I haven't actually tried it as I...