Search results

  1. I

    Who Will Win? - F-Production

    Great to see FP has the most entries so far. Sometimes I feel like it’s the forgotten prod class. HP does great at promoting the class and EP gets the glory for the speeds. And two of the entries are from PNW! (Although I didn’t turn a wheel with them this year). Interesting to note that IF all...
  2. I

    End of the Production Car Classes ?

    It doesn’t matter if the car wouldn’t be competitive. There are lots of “let the lower class run in this class” allowances. And really I think we should be able to run up a class if we chose just for car count sake (run FP in EP if I’m the lone FP and there are more EP entrants for example). But...
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    End of the Production Car Classes ?

    Im missing it. This seems more like “GT” classes are going away, let them run here with further limitations till they fade away. I’d be more concerned if I was running GTL than I am running FP. A bigger consolidation would have been merging ST, Prod, and GT (tub based) classes. I could see...
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    Hi all its been awhile since I been on the Prod forum, quick question

    Everything is hard to find on the SCCA website since the upgrade a few years ago: That’s the June 2024 update version.
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    Portland Super Tour

    Watched online. They have some good camera angles on the track. Planning to come by with the kiddo today. Maybe next year but probably ‘26 with the race car again.
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    And She's Back!

    Thoughts on the name requirement: 1) on my iPhone the sigs aren’t showing. I look a little but don’t see a setting for it. I didn’t (and probably won’t) check my pc. 2) normally I don’t really care but I do think there is an benefit to us using our real names here since we are actually a...
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    And She's Back!

    Thanks again!
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    Forums in Read-Only Mode

    Quick check on the new setup.
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    PIR Majors

    Wish the registration had enough prod cars to fill the podium. Would love the motivation to signup myself. I'm still planning on this despite spending too much time playing with my Volkswagen instead of the racecar. Rebuilt the trans I broke at Thunderhill this morning. Paint might be wet when I...
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    Lexan and windsheild wipers

    The more I think of this the worse it sounds. So since I coughed up a ton to make a lexan windsheild I probably don't wanna destroy it with the wipers and a little dirty windsheild. Are my options: 1) remove the wipers, save some more weight, rain-x it to death and hope for the best 2) keep the...
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    Hello all, Darren finally got me past the gates of the interwebs. I don't plan this to be a build thread but to take a sec to introduce myself (reintroduce myself to some) and to show that not everyone is going over to those STUpid/L classes. I raced ITA in the Great Lakes region...